I’m Invisible

For the day I’m invisible. I’m not really sure how I turned invisible. I know I’m only invisible for twenty four hours. I can’t really explain why or how I know it is one of those things you just understand. I do plain to take advantage of this day though because who wouldn’t want to be invisible in certain moments? Since I’m inviasble I can get away with a lot of stuff. The first thing that came to my my was to scare someone because I thought it would just be fun. So I quietly went into my sisters room trying to be carful of not making any noise. I then I jump and scared her and let me tell you it worked. She screamed so loud and jump out of her chair. After I scared her I realized that I can be visible by tapping my wrist twice. So then when I realized I can turn it off I had a good idea. That idea was to be in multiple places at the same time. When I was in school I was ready to tell them that I was invisible but was still there but somehow they already knew. Which wasn’t a bad thing. In second period I decide to sneak out. When someone went to the bathroom I snuck out with them. The next step was to get out of the school. So I went to the baseball fields and climbed the fence. Once I was out I was wondering where I should go. I decided to go to Starbucks. So I snuck into one of the teachers car which was leaving early. It took about five minutes to get close to any businesses. One I saw a Starbucks I was planning to get out at the next stop. But unfortunately I past one but it was okay because the next stop wasn’t that far away. I then turned visible again and got my Starbucks.

Life on a Island

I live on a abandoned island. I have lived here for about a year now. A year ago I was surfing in Newport got drifted out further then I wanted to. It just started raining out of nowhere nothing like I’ve ever seen. I swam my hardest to try to get back to land but nothing was working. I was passed all of the waves a this point so that was good at least. Then I saw a dot that was a little piece of land. I was hoping that I could stay there for a night wait out the storm then go back. I finally made it there. It looked like something out of a movie. It was an abandoned island. It looked like there was something here at one point because there was piece of wood thrown down. Wood laying on the ground like a house had fallen down. The island was further out that it looked in the morning and even now. I can’t see any land besides the island which is why I’m still here. Well now that you know why I’m here I wanted to show you a day in the life. First I wake up in the little shack that I made and have breakfast it is normally berries that I find the day before. Next I surf for about an hour. That is really all I can do out here because I only brought my surfboard. After that I go look for food. Berries for the morning and if I find coconuts or something else I have that for dinner. I normally use the coconuts for water and then eat the meat for dinner. After I look for food I eat dinner and then watch the sunset. Some nights are prettier than others. That is basically a day in my life. When I have extra time a will look for flowers or leaves for decoration and use flowers for paint and paint a piece of wood or a wall in my house. I’m waiting for summer when there won’t be any storms to get back to California and I’ll keep you posted.

Trip to Arizona

During spring break me and my family went to Arizona. One day we decided to go to the zoo. So we got up and got ready for the day. For breakfast I had a stack of pancakes that were delicious. When we arrived at the zoo we saw a huge line that went out the door for a restaurant. We were curious what it was for and by that point it was already lunch time. We followed the line to see what it was all about. Apparently this zoo was home to the best baked potato restaurant. We got in line and waited for about thirty minutes to try one and they were really good. We then went exploring the zoo we saw zebras and monkeys. My favorite part was when we got to feed the giraffes they were so tall. We then went to our hotel because it was getting dark. It was a pretty successful day.


Remember even in the Darkest times there is always something good. A quote to represent this is “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when only one remembers to turn on the light.” This quote means that even when things are bad you can find something good, but it is up to you. You can just look at the bad in things or times or you can try to find something good that has happened or will come out of it. One way this relates to me is whenever I’m bored. I can just sit around and not do anything or I could look on the positive side and think how lucky I am to have somewhere to sit around and chill.

My Hero

My mom is my hero. My mom is my hero because she always cares for me. Like whenever I’m sick or don’t feel good she always takes care of me. She would also put my life before her which I’m very extremely grateful for. The second reason is because she kind. Like whenever I need help with homework or can’t figure out something in general she always tries her best to help me. The third reason is because she is fun to be around. Like whenever we are in the car or hanging out she always makes me laugh and I have a great time. I’m so grateful that I get to grow up with her as my mom.

Rad Reading-December

This month I read The summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. This book is about a girl named Isabel but everyone calls her Belly. Her and her mom and brother named Steven go to Cousins beach with there close family friends every summer. There family friends are Susannah and her two sons Conrad and Jeremiah Fisher. They owned a beach house in cousins. They have old traditions and things they do every year but this year it all changes. Belly grows up and starts going to party’s and bonfires. Belly has always and a crush on Conrad but know starts to like Jeremiah. Susannah’s cancer gets worse and the story has its ups and its downs. I loved this book because how the author describes it I l could understand and picture everything like I am there. It is also my kind of book. It is like a drama romance book which I love.

In this book my favorite character is Jeremiah. This is because he is never afraid to speak his mind. Like when he admitted his love to belly. One quote to prove this is, “You’ve always been my best friend. But know it is more.” The second reason is because he is confident. One example of this is at the bonfire he wasn’t afraid to talk to people he didn’t know. This means he isn’t shy. The last reason is because he is funny. Whenever people are around them it seems like they are always having a good time.

One important quote from the book is “Things couldn’t stay the same forever.” This is super important because that summer everything did change. From Susannah’s health and Belly growing up things couldn’t ever be the same ever again.


This year I’m going to focus on the word efficient. My first reason is because I always try to do my homework at the last minute. Like whenever I have a project or something that isn’t do for over a few days I always end up finishing it the day before it is due. My second reason is because whenever I have to clean my room or something I always procrastinate to get it done then by the time I start I could have been finished. My third and last reason is because I want to be organized and organize my room so I can be efficient.

Fighting Monkeys

It was a normal day, us monkeys woke up and talked for a bit with each other. Oh my Gosh I totally forgot to introduce myself I’m the youngest member of my group. In my group we have my family and two of my close family friends and their family’s. Now our days have and are the same every day, so now we are headed to the pond to get a drink. As we arrived we see that group two (our enemies) have beat us to the pond. Now if this happens it is code for us to fight it out to see who gets to be near the pond at this time. So we look each other in the eyes and got in fighting position. We raised our tails then on the count of three off we go! We use our tails to whack each other but the first one to get hit and not block it wins. They hit then we hit back! Ahhhhh! I tripped on a rock then group two whacked me in the face! Now we can’t be seen at the pond ever again at ten! I’m going to be in so much trouble.

Substitute Principal

I was told that I have to be the principal of my school for the day. First I would change passing periods because I think they should be a little longer. Now I wouldn’t change it by a lot just that each passing period was five minutes to give the students a little longer of a break between classes. The next thing I would change is where the students sit at lunch. There is only a couple tables sprinkled throughout my school and most of the kids are hanging out on the floor or by a planter. I wouldn’t change it so that it is required to sit at a table just do that there would be more tables so they have that option. The third thing I would change is iPads. Some of our iPads run slow or the battery dies fast so I would give my students computers. My fourth thing I would change is the school day. I would make it so that school doesn’t start until nine. So that the students and us staff get to sleep in longer. It is a win win situation! The fifth and final thing I would change is the school is the food. I would bring In-N-Out on Mondays and pizza on Fridays.

Thankful For

I am thankful for many things this year, but here are my top three. The three things are family, friends, and tennis. I am thankful for my family because they love and support me. Without them I don’t know what I would do. They keep me safe and happy and give me everything I need. My second thing I am thankful for are my friends. They are always there for me and make sure that I have a good time. The last thing that I am thankful for is tennis. I am thankful for this because I love to play tennis at some people don’t have the chance to play it because it is an expensive sport.