Favorite memories

I had three favorite memories at school this year. My first one was when we made chocolate chip ice cream in math. This was fun because normally in math we just work on a handout or take a test. Another one of my favorite memories is when I referred the volleyball tournament. This was fun because all I had to do was keep score and watch volleyball. I also got to get out of most of my classes. My third favorite memories is all of the yearbook parties. I liked this because we all brought in food and for that class period all we had to do was eat and talk.

Taking for Granted

This picture has a strong message. On the left it shows a kid complaining even though he has a pile full of toys and a TV in the back. On the right it shows a kid who has a darker skin color out in the middle of the desert playing with one toy very happy. The toy also looks hand made not something you would by somewhere. This pictures shows that sometimes we take things for granted. It doesn’t matter how much or little you have you can always find something to be happy about. Sometimes we forget about this and wish we had certain items and things that we don’t have. This is instead of thinking about all the things we do have. This message also shows that how ever much money or items that you have does not mean your life is perfect.

April- Rad Reading

This month I read We’ll always have summer by Jenny Han. This book is about a girl named Isabel but everyone calls her Belly. Her and her mom and brother named Steven go to Cousins beach with there close family friends every summer. There family friends are Susannah and her two sons Conrad and Jeremiah Fisher. They owned a beach house in cousins. But unfortunately Susannah died and everyone is still dealing with it. Belly and Jeremiah date and want to get married but Conrad’s thinks differently. I loved and hated this book because it was the last book in the series and they left me on a cliff hanger. I loved it though because of all its twist and turns.

My favorite charcter in this book in Conrad Fisher. This is because he was kind, fun to read about, and always knows what is right most of the time (at lest my opinion). He was kind because his mother passed and she asked him to do one thing and that was to take care of his brother. When he didn’t do that one time he was hard on himself for it. He was fun to read about because you never knew what he was going to do next.

One important quote from this book is, “Maybe that was how it was with all first loves. “They own a little piece of your heart, always.” This is important because this book in the series is the last one which means Belly has to chose if she wants to marry Jeremiah or have Conrad.

20% Project #3: Chocolate chip muffins

Hello my name is Aila and for my 20% project I’m learning how to cook and bake. This week I made chocolate chip muffins. For my first time making muffins they tasted better than I thought. This is the first of my recipes that I am for sure making again. One problem that I faced was ingredients. I was super low on a few but just barley made it which is good, but when I went to open the baking powder there were bugs in it! To be honest I wasn’t expecting that so I may have jumped a little. We ended up going to the store and getting another one because we use it a lot. This week wasn’t the best in terms of easygoing but for sure tasted the best. I was planning to start to cook but this week was really busy and hectic for me so that’s why I had to do up this portion of my project last minute. Hopefully next week I can start cooking because I’m not as good at cooking then baking which is why I’ve been holding off on cooking and been baking for these past few weeks.

Favorite Room

My favorite area at my house is my room and backyard. My room is one of my favorite places because it has a full length mirror and I like my desk because it is probably the most used area besides my bed and also the most organized. I also like my backyard because I have a lot of pets. I have chickens, a bunny, and a dog. I also like my pool because it does not have chlorine and it has plants and rocks to help keep it clean even though we still have filters to clean it. It is also hard to explain but we also have fish in my pool! It is basically a pond that you can swim in. I also should have probably mentioned that the plants and rocks are in a different area then the area that you swim in.